Call us on

0300 888 3853

to talk with someone who understands the challenges caused by a loved one’s harmful use of alcohol, drugs or gambling.​

Email us

Although we recommend calling the helpline, we also offer email support.

Understand your situation

We listen with empathy and without judgment to understand your unique challenges. 

Provide information

We provide relevant, specific, and targeted information, to improve your knowledge. 

Explore strategies

We discuss your social support, and how you react, respond, and cope.


We identify any additional needs and refer you, within our organisation or externally, for further support.

Our Vision & Mission

A world where no one faces a loved one's addiction alone

A safe space for people impacted by a loved one’s harmful use of alcohol, drugs or gambling. We listen, understand and support.


Alcohol addiction in the UK is prevalent, with over 7.4 million adults consuming alcohol at high risk levels annually.


Drug addiction rates continue to climb, affecting approximately 1 in 11 people aged 16 to 59 in England and Wales.


Gambling addiction poses a growing threat, with over 2 million people in the UK being identified as problem gamblers.

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Client satisfaction

What Our Clients Say
